
I was reading this story today, an honest and real birth story written by a woman struggling with the fact that her longed for daughter was born into their perfect family with Down Syndrome.  Although this wasn’t the life she had imagined, she quickly fell hopelessly in love with her little girl and realized that this was exactly the way things were supposed to be.

Brendan had been taking his nap in the pack and play, and when Rob came back into the room he found me holding the baby with tears streaming down my face.  He was, of course, concerned that something was wrong.  But in reality I was simultaneously hurting for the pain this family endured, while at the same time identifying with a woman whose life didn’t turn out exactly how she planned, only to find out that it was exactly how things were meant to be.  I had to scoop up my son and hold him before I could finish reading.

I’m so incredibly thankful.  I’m thankful for a husband who always stands by me and always believed, even when I couldn’t, that my dream of being a mother would come true – who always told me that when we were ready to have a family, we would have a family.  I’m thankful for our family and friends who have showered us with so much love and support in so many different ways.  I’m thankful for Meredith.  An amazing woman whose strength and love and clarity brought The Captain into this world. I’m thankful that somehow she looked through 500 letters from hopeful parents, and chose us.  I’m thankful for the genuine love I feel for her and her family.  And most of all, I’m thankful for a perfect and healthy little boy whose biggest issues to date have been a blocked tear duct, and a talent for peeing when his diaper is off. Motherhood is so much more than I thought it would be – in every way.  And I’m so thankful that I get to experience this kind of love.
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