
1 year ago, Brendan was doing this, and this morning he decided to throw his first real life tantrum. We know that he is right on schedule, but the knowledge of that didn’t help at the time. There was no kicking or throwing himself on the floor – but there was uncontrollable crying for no reason, and nothing would fix it. Not the bottle (the wanting of which triggered the tantrum in the first place), or the binky or the blanket – or even the golf clubs or ba ba blacksheep. Whenever we’d try and hug him or pick him up, he would fling his little arms to the sides and somehow erase every bone in his body until he was just a little flop of a thing. It lasted long enough for Rob to suggest I get my camera (which I didn’t), but I’m sure it didn’t last as long as it felt like it did. We finally just put the bottle on the coffee table, sang the ABC song, and put a slide show of our family pictures on the TV (one of his favorite things). When he was done, he grabbed the bottle with a great big sigh and finally settled into the couch to look at pictures with Mommy. As I typed that just now, I realized that a long time ago, Aunt Lisa called me because Charlie was having a crying tantrum and “do you want to call Aunt Lori?” was the only thing she answered yes to. It was singing the ABC song together on the phone that finally worked for her. Clearly this song has magical powers.

He can also now point to his:
– nose
– head
– mouth
– toes
– ears and eyes (sometimes)
– and the best one…. belly (he lifts up his shirt to show you)
I have found that I get the most consistent pointing while he is in the bathtub.

He can say:
– Bubbles
– Ball
– Daddy
– Mama
– Nose
– Moon
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– Nana (banana)
– That
– And this morning my most favorite of all… he is trying to say ‘pumpkin’. We plan on going to at least one patch each weekend, so he will have plenty of opportunities to practice.

Other amazing things:
– he brings you his shoes when he wants to go outside
– he points to every single airplane that goes overhead
– he takes your hand and walks you over to what he wants
– he gives the best hugs – and is starting to give kisses
– his wave has changed, and has become more consistent. Particularly when he meets a big kid while we’re out on a walk. I love that
– rather than riding in his little red car, he now prefers to push it around the neighborhood himself. One of these days, I’m gonna hop in.
– he knows how to brush his teeth, and even knows what it means when we say it’s time to brush them
– he has started putting his dirty clothes in the washer (I told Lisa about this one and her husband looked at me and said, ‘Wow – Lisa doesn’t even know how to do that’)

So yes, he threw one tantrum. And he’s suddenly very determined and opinionated at times. But he is also the most amazing child ever, and just gets better and better each moment. Tantrums and all.

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