
I have not been posting, but I have been collecting. So right now I’m just going to dump a lot of treasures out of my pocket so I have more room to collect this weekend:

I don’t think I ever shared this video of B talking to Buzz right before we left for Hawaii:

Or this one of Brendan counting with Aunt Faren:

He is very observant. He remembers locations and exactly what we did where – when we saw the parade, where the ice cream store is… it always amazes me. He also strings together very logical conclusions from what he knows. For instance, we planted a couple potatoes in water to watch them sprout and grow. He found one in our pantry that had been there a little too long, and got out a cup of water and put it right in.

He is also doing some dog training:

Sometimes in Mommy’s shoes:

Some favorite quotes:
“Those flowers are gimantic!”
“My nose was fluffy, but then I got a tissue and it feels better!”

Friends from work:

This was the day he got himself dressed all by himself – he picked out the clothes, and put them all on. My big boy! He also likes to brush his teeth. Mainly so he can practice spitting.

More favorite Quotes:
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“Let me check my watch. Mommy, I don’t have time on my watch for you to get coffee”
“Hook – you’re a codfish actually”

Future Giant:

Cute boy in Target:

And pimped out for school:

Falling asleep with his hand in the pirate booty:

Love is all around us. Even (especially?) in onions:

Yes, we are still doing the ice bucket challenge:

And here are some attractive pictures of Mommy. I got an accidental head butt from some aggressive snuggling with my son. I have to admit, I think the shiner made me look awesome. Mysterious. There isn’t one part of my life where a black eye is expected. A Mom grocery shopping with a black eye? An IS manager with a black eye? I think it was the perfect accessory to every outfit. It left people guessing. I told them that I wouldn’t let Rob have pizza for dinner one night and he got mad. But alas, it’s gone now.

Just in time for my business meeting away with Lisa – Look – no kids on an airplane!

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